C++ Project for Bank Management System with source code | c++ projects with source code free download

C++ bank management system project

Project name

Bank Management System

Programming language




Program Type

Desktop Project


Console based

It is a simple C++ project for the students of computer science. Users can deposit the amount, check the balance in his/her account, and can also withdraw the amount. The bank management system fulfills the requirements of computer science students' project. Students can modify the program code according to their requirements. They can also enhance their coding skills. It's helpful for students as well as programmers. Beginners can learn new functions and methods of coding.

It includes the basic operations of managing a bank system. Operations may include.

  • Deposit money.
  • Withdraw money.
  • Check cash

How to run the code?

Step 1: Open a new project in the C++ compiler.

Step 2: Copy the code given below.

Step 3: Paste the code into the project.

Step 4: Save the code.

Step 5: Run the program.

Copy the code or download it from the given download button below

  1. #include<conio.h>

#include<stdio.h> #include<iostream> using namespace std; class bank { char name[100],add[100],y; int balance, amount; public: void open_account (); void deposite_money(); void withdraw_money (); void display_account(); }; void bank::open_account() { cout<<"Enter your full name ::"; cin.ignore(); cin.getline(name,100); cout<<"Enter your addess ::"; cin.ignore(); cin.getline(add,100); cout<<"what type of account you want to open saving (s) or current (c)"; cin>>y; cout<<"Enter amount for deposite ::"; cin>>balance; cout<<"Your account is created "; } void bank::deposite_money() { int a ; cout<<"Enter how much money you want to deposit::"; cin>>a; balance+=a; cout<<"Your total deposit amount\n"; } void bank::display_account() { cout<<"Enter the name ::"<<name<<endl; cout<<"Enterened your addees ::"<<add<<endl; cout<<"Type of account that you open ::"<<y<<endl; cout<<"Amount you deposite ::"<<balance<<endl; } void bank::withdraw_money() { cout<<"withdeaw ::"; cout<<"Enter your amount for withdrawing "; cin>>amount; balance=balance-amount; cout<<"Now your total amount is left ::"<<balance; } int main() { int ch,x,n; bank obj; do { cout<<"01)open account \n"; cout<<"02)deposite money \n"; cout<<"03)withdeaw money \n"; cout<<"04)display account\n"; cout<<"05)Exit\n"; cout<<"please sir, select the option from above "; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1:"01)open account \n"; obj.open_account (); break; case 2:"02)deposite money \n"; obj.deposite_money(); break; case 3:"03)withdeaw money \n"; obj.withdraw_money (); break; case 4:"04)display account\n"; obj.display_account(); break; case 5: if(ch==5) { cout<< "exit"; } default: cout<<"This is not exit please try again "; } cout<<"\n do you want to select next step then please press::y\n"; cout<<"if you want to exit then please press:: N "; x=getch(); if(x=='n' || x=='N') cout<<"exit"; } while (x=='y' || x=='Y'); getch(); return 0; }

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